What is mulch?
Mulch is simply materials placed over the surface of soil. There are several reasons to apply mulch, which include improving the aesthetics of your landscape, improving soil conditions, stopping weeds from growing, and protecting the area from foot traffic. Let’s first discuss the importance of soil structure. Often in urban areas, soil lacks some very basic nutrients, which makes it extremely difficult for trees to thrive, let alone grow. By providing a nice layer of organic material, over time it breaks down, and give the soil and trees a needed boost of nutrients. It also mimics the environment naturally as branches and leaves, and other organic material falls in a forest to decompose and replace much needed nutrients. This helps to create the best environment for root growth. Typically, the layer of mulch should be between 2-4 inches. Through a lot of research by Vacaville Tree Service, we have found that mulching is the most beneficial thing you can do for tree health. What types of mulches are available? There are two form of mulch, organic and inorganic. Vacaville Tree Service approves of organic mulches, which include pine needles, wood chips, leaves, compost mixes, and tree bark. As these elements decompose, valuable nutrients are made available for your trees. Be sure to know how often to reapply mulch because organic mulches decompose at different rates. Inorganic mulches consist of stone chips, rock, gravel, and believe it or not, rubber. But, it is pretty obvious these types of mulches will not give you the nutrients you desire for your tree to grow. What are the benefits of mulching?
We hope you have learned something new from this message by Vacaville Tree Service. If you have any questions or need help with tree service, give us a call. You can also visit our website at http://treeservicevacaville.com. Thanks for stopping by! More to come soon!
Vacaville Tree Service plants a lot of new trees for our customers every year. Occasionally we get the question of why trees stop growing during the summer. Many of our customers like us to plant fruit trees for them. Of course, when you plant a little fruit tree, all you want is for it to grow fast, and provide you with a bounty of whatever fruit your tree grows. When the tree stops growing during the hot summer months, people tend to think there is a problem. Perhaps the tree is not getting enough water? Nutrients? Too much sun? The answer to all these questions could be yes. But it could also have everything to do with it just being summer. Springtime brings new growth, and a lot of it. I watched my apple tree this year put on 7 inches in just a matter of a couple weeks, only to watch it barely achieve a centimeter in any given month after spring. This is normal. Rising temperatures plays big role in the decreased amount of growth. Photosynthesis, which is how trees use sunlight to synthesize foods from CO2 and H2O, is altered during the summer months. Without getting in to too much detail, photosynthesis loses its function during the hottest parts of the day due to a lack of an enzyme; without it, growth comes to a standstill. The decrease in photosynthesis is a big part as to why your tree has stopped growing, but it is not the only reason. With the hot summer days, like we are having right now, soil moisture decreases dramatically. With little moisture for the trees to absorb, the trees physiology is completely changed, which is also a contributor to decreased growth.
What can you do to help your trees during these hot summer days? In the evening, when the sun as set, water your trees. Give them a good drenching; they will thank you for it. Also, provide the tree with nutrients. Other than these two suggestions, there is not much else you can do. When spring comes around again, you will see your trees explode with new growth. If you would like the most optimal growth, be sure to fertilize your trees when spring hits and growth starts. Vacaville Tree Service is here and open for business during these difficult times. We are well prepared to meet our customers safely, with little worry of COVID virus transmission. We have personal protective equipment that will keep you and us safe. Take advantage of our free estimate offer. Once you meet the team, I am confident we will earn your business. For more information you can visit our web page at http://treeservicevacaville.com. Have a great day and stay safe out there! Vacaville Tree Service visits many customers throughout the year, and we come across many misconceptions and misunderstandings on how to prune and trim tree branches. We also see the devastation caused to trees when they are not maintained properly. Inadequate or incorrect cuts can leave your trees vulnerable and susceptible to a myriad of different aggressors like insects and bacteria. Don’t get us wrong, we are more than happy to come to you to remove your dead or dying tree, but we would prefer your trees survive. And trimming and pruning your trees might seem quite simple and it can be for someone who was trained how to properly do it. That is our goal; provide you with the facts and some instruction if you decide you can perform the tree service work yourself.
You should really understand why you are trimming your trees before we delve in to the proper way to do it. The main reason is to keep your tree health so that it may live a long life. Branches that are dying, diseased, too close to other branches or branches that are rubbing against each other, are all good reasons to trim your tree. Trimming your trees is like you going to the doctor for a physical assessment. It should happen regularly and consistently throughout your life just like trimming your trees. Let’s discuss briefly what kind of tools are best for tree trimming. If you are going for clean cuts, which basically leaves a smooth surface on the branch where you have cut, you will want to use bypass pruners. In fact, we recommend bypass pruners for all trimming and pruning needs. They can cut branches 2 inches in diameter. Lopping shears are another alternative, which also provide clean cuts. These shears can be bought in different sizes depending upon the diameter of the branches you need to cut. Also, make sure you are trimming your trees during the most ideal time, which is when your tree is dormant during the winter. Pruning during the winter protects your tree from diseases and insect infestations because there are no open wounds. OK, now you want to know how to cut your tree. Trimming your tree is great because it encourages new growth. For smaller branches, be sure to cut the branch a ¼ inch above a bud. The bud is where the new growth will come from. Cut your branches at a 45-degree angle. This helps to prevent water damage and disease. For larger branches, it is important to know that a callus is formed after proper trimming, which is extremely important for tree health. The callus, much like on our own skin, is thick and protective and a great way to encourage new growth. A large branch requiring trimming will require three cuts. The first two will be to minimize the weight on the branch. Start with the distal branch making your first cut and moving in towards the base of the branch for the second cut. The final cut will be to create the best callus you can, which as mentioned before will be optimal for tree growth. Step by step instructions are as follows:
Here is another update from your friendly Vacaville Tree Service Company. Right about now most if not all the leaves from your trees have fallen to the ground. You are left with a tree and branches. Not the prettiest of sights but once spring returns that all changes of course. Is it now time to trim your trees?
Well, first we should talk about why you should trim your trees. There are many benefits to trimming your trees during the winter and they are as follows:
This is not to say that you cannot trim or prune your trees at any other time during the year. You can prune anytime you want but of course with the caveats mentioned above. General guidelines to follow when you are trimming in the spring, summer, or fall, are to only trim back small branches, small enough that they can be cut with handheld shears. Shaping can also be performed but be sure to stay superficial with your cuts. And of course, remove dead or diseased branches. The sooner you see a dead or dying branch, and the sooner you remove said branch, the better. Vacaville Tree Service provides tree trimming, tree removal, and anything tree related services to the city of Vacaville. We hope that you have found some of this information useful. If you ever need more information, give us a call. We provide free consultations. You can also visit us at http://treeservicevacaville.com. Happy Holidays from Vacaville Tree Service. We look forward to serving you for all your tree service needs. ![]() Vacaville Tree Service gets a lot of questions from our customers and we enjoy providing scientific, realistic responses. Well, we have gotten a lot of questions about what types of trees are the best to plant in the City of Vacaville, but we have not really written too much about it nor provided answers to these questions. There is a lot of new development in Vacaville, new homes being built, so it makes sense to write about this topic now so we can perhaps sway new homeowners into planting trees that will be successful. How do you decide what trees to plant? There are a lot of factors to think about when planting a tree. A couple questions to consider: What is the purpose of the tree? Do you want a fruit producing tree? Do you want a tree for shade? Privacy? Aesthetics? How tall and wide do you want the tree to be at maturity? By answering these questions, you will be able to weed out the trees you do not want on your property and perhaps find that tree that fits your mold. That is the goal of Vacaville Tree Service, find the tree that is perfect for you. Choosing a tree that will be successful is important. Planting a tree to only see it die a year later is not something you would like to go through I imagine. You need to investigate trees that do well in Vacaville’s climate and soil. Climate plays an important role in tree growth. Vacaville does not typically have extreme weather conditions, discounting the crazy windstorms we have been having. Our seasons are moderate. But, if the recent windstorms are any indication of future weather conditions, it might be a good idea to look in to a tree that has a strong foundation and strong branches. Also, determine what kind of soil your property has. Most soil in the valley is adobe, a clay like soil, which can be difficult for certain trees to grow in. Give one of Vacaville Tree Service Certified Arborists a call for more information. Here are a list of tree Vacaville Tree Service Recommends:
Vacaville Tree Service has been specializing in tree trimming, tree pruning, tree removal, and much more for over two decades. We have been servicing the city of Vacaville and Solano County for all commercial and residential tree service needs and are proud to call Vacaville our home. It has been a while since our last blog, and we feel it is time to provide some information to our followers on how to protect your trees during the winter and the cold weather that comes with is.
Winter freezes can be deleterious to our trees, especially younger trees that are more susceptible to freezing temperatures. For example, I planted an avocado tree in my yard two years ago. The first year I had the tree, I did not take any preventative safety measures to protect the tree. The top portion of the avocado tree froze and died. This unfortunately stunted the tree quite a bit. Fortunately, I realized the errors in my ways and began to care for the tree in the ways it needed. This is just one personal story, but I hear stories and see the actual evidence (dead or fallen trees) like this all the time. Vacaville Tree Service gets quite a few calls during the winter for trees that have not been well cared for during the winter weather. How do you protect your trees from the freeze? If the temperature where you live stays below 32 degrees for a period, expect damage to your trees. Fruit, leaves, branches, and blossoms are susceptible to freezing temperatures. Some trees are more susceptible than others. For example, trees that are in the most danger from freezing cold temperatures are Citrus, Oleander, Avocado, and any new growth on certain trees. The best way to protect your tree is with some sort of cover like a burlap sack, tarps, etc. Please visit here for more ideas on tree covers. The idea behind the tree covers is that when they extend all the way to the ground, they trap and save accumulated warmth from the earth. You also want to make sure you keep your trees well-watered. When the soil is moist, it absorbs more energy from the sun, which will provide more warmth for the trees during those freezing nights and mornings. Also, plan to water your trees during the coldest time of the day. The reasoning behind this strategy is that when water changes from liquid to a solid latent heat is released. Also, when ice forms on leaves, water is removed, and the leaves and tree itself can become dehydrated. It is imperative that the tree remains hydrated during freezing times. If you have any questions about protecting your trees during the winter or any time for that matter, give Vacaville Tree Service a call. There are some things you can do in advance before winter arrives. Here are a few examples:
![]() This is a question that Vacaville Tree Service is often asked so we decided, let’s blog about it. On the surface this seems like it would be an easy to answer question. But it is not. The simple answer is, it depends. It depends on the type of trees you are planting. It depends on the tree growth. And it depends on what you want as a business or homeowner. Each variable just mentioned must be taken in to consideration. A granular approach and understanding the implications to each question is the best way of determining the most appropriate planting scenario. You may want a tree, shrub, or bush to act as a weather or privacy barrier. If so, you would want your trees to be planted as close together as possible. But based on the species and growth expectations is this feasible? You may want a tree to provide morning or afternoon shade but planting a tree too close to your home can be detrimental to your property. You may want to plant a fruit tree in a certain area but that area on your property may not get the necessary light for the tree to thrive let alone survive. That is why is it so important to consult a certified tree arborist when deciding on what and where to plant. We live by a motto here at Vacaville Tree Service and that is love thy neighbor but make sure your neighbor is not too close. The reason we like a little space in between our trees is because when trees are too close in proximity, the health of one tree can be jeopardized. Survival of the fittest deems that when resources become scarce, for example when one tree is too close to the next, one tree will outshine the other and possibly leave little to no nutrients for the other tree. This can result in tree death or diminished tree growth. What does Vacaville Tree Service Recommend? When deciding between what types of trees you would like to plant, you really need to look twenty to thirty years down the road. How big will this tree get? How many feet will this tree grow per year? How wide will this tree be when it has matured? These are all good valuation metrics when determining appropriate trees for your home or business. It is also a good way to ensure you avoid unnecessary risks or issues in the future. Vacaville Tree Service also has some tips on spacing that you should consider. We all want to live in harmony and peace. So do trees. A couple surefire ways to ensure your trees harmonize are:
If you are in need of a good resource for tree care, we highly recommend Arbor Day Foundation (https://www.arborday.org/trees/planting/bare-root.cfm). The information they provide is extremely valuable when it comes to tree care. To investigate typical tree height in urban areas, please visit https://www.arborday.org/trees/righttreeandplace/size.cfm for more information. We hope that you have found this information useful. If you need a Vacaville Tree Service do not hesitate to contact us. |
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